Q.1. What do you mean by self management? (स्वप्रबंधन से आप क्या समझते हो?) Ans. Self management which is also referred to asself control is the abi…
Session 02 Q.1 What is verbal communication? (वर्बल कम्यूनिकेशन/शाब्दिक संचार क्य…
Q.1. What do you mean by Non-verbal communication? (अशाब्दिक संचार से आप समझते हो ?) Ans. In this type of communication we send message to others …
Q.1. What is verbal communication? () Ans. In this type of communication we share information by using words. (इस प्रकार के संचार में हम शब्दों का…
Q.1. What is communication? (कम्यूनिकेशन क्या है?) Ans. Sharing of ideas, thoughts or information between two or more individuals is called commu…
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